Call Gill: 07768 053335
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Jayne and KennyMastering Nervouseness Happy RiderAdrian and Chip Happy Rider

Happy Riders

"I would greatly recommend Gill and Rob's "Why Can't I Do That? You and Your Horse Together" clinics to anyone whom suffers with anxiety around horses, troubles with staying focused and positive, pre-competition nerves, lack of confidence or even if you think you are lacking any bond with your horse."

“Having felt anxious after a fall, Gill helped me to regain control, be positive and think positive thoughts. She helped me to reinforce by ability to sit up tall and ride like I know I can, take control and be a leader to my horse. I rode for 45 minutes, the longest since my fall, and stayed focussed and felt proud of my achievement“

“I was nervous about forgetting my way in dressage tests. Why Can’t I Do That? showed me how to relax and be calm and confident for my next test. My horse was calm too, he went better than ever and we won a rosette.” 

“It re-emphasised the need to be positive. The most useful part for me was building trust."

"... most of my previous pre-competition nerves had become considerably dissipated, I think the workshop showed me how much trust my horse and I have in each other, which reduced the nerves.”

"An interesting workshop which made me re think why I had my horse - I enjoy him for who he is and what we as a partnership can do now, despite both our health, ages and past injuries.

I have rediscovered my confidence and my horse is therefore confident with me and nowadays we happily hack out on our own or accompany the young horses needing a companion to show them the ropes! or tractors or lorries!

"The workshop certainly gives us some tools to experiment with, and these can be used in other aspects of life too. I'd recommend going, it’s a great 1st step to perhaps achieving more than one could imagine! That certainly was the case for me."